Art is about becoming better artists by being better people.
Art is remembering the importance of simple things, of truer things that make us real.
Art is the pursuit of individuality through expression with skilled craftsmanship.
Art is like-minded individuals sharing their passion for the real.
Art is a cumulative effort of skilled visual art fundamental approaches, patiently executed.
Art Is Gallery is a collaborative journey with an Artist Studio.
Art Is embraces Art, Culture and Life through various Realist schools of thought in our visual art practices to help us stay relevant to the current and ever evolving Arts and culture scene. Influences from the schools of Naturalism, Classical Realist and also Realism Art allows Art Is to build on and expand our academic art courses by improving on Traditional fine art and Classical Art techniques and integrating them with modern contemporary visual art methods and art materials, making Art Is Art classes and lessons extremely effective in promoting the Art of Drawing and Painting naturally .
Seeing through the eyes of a visual artist from the realist school of thought, Art Is Gallery's Art is drawn from our academic art courses and carries with it a natural wanderlust of life and art. It is from this passage of discovering mindfulness in art that awakens you to the necessity and relevance of Art in life and culture.
Grown from these experiences, Art Is Gallery's Photography takes a contemporary look at bridging the gap between the various visual art disciplines that are often stereotyped and misrepresented. One that is thoughtful and attentive enough to expose the possibilities of crossing boundaries within all visual art scenes in Art, culture and life.
Art Is's Art is drawn from our academic art courses and carries with it the wanderlust of life and art. It is from this passage of discovering mindfulness in art that awakens you to the necessity and relevance of Art in life.
Art is natural, draw naturally with Art Is Art courses and free the Artist in you. Sight is a natural ability not a talent, seeing is not a learned art but understanding what we see is. At Art Is we bring to you Art materials, methods and techniques, that will help you describe the world around us naturally and with ease.
Art Is Gallery and Artist Studio believes that there is an artist in all of us waiting to be heard and seen. From the very moment we were able to see we started making art through our eyes with our choices.
Weather we know it or not we never really stop making art be it through our eyes, our thoughts and our hands. At Art Is we think that Art is a natural progression of life and life is an expression of art.
Hence all of us are artists in the making..... artist in training.
The original art featured in this website displays the patiently executed, highly detailed artworks created during the relevant course of study.
Learn more about our art courses. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
Art Is Mindfulness
Art schools, art academies, studios and ateliers of the day have often strive to express Contemporary fine art and Modern Art through conceptual art discourses and individual creative visual art expression. Art Is strives to strengthen on these schools of thought by building on fine art techniques and influences improved from various academies of art in Naturalism, Classical Realist and Realist art school. Art Is Gallery and Artist Studio opens up your mind to proper visual art education and appreciation through more emphasis on firm fine art foundations. These basic art fundamentals in visual art techniques and art materials will empower you with the necessary skills to develop and create Contemporary fine art and Modern Art that is not only relevant to the current local visual art scenes but also the international art world. Art Is believes that by being more mindful of these basic fine art fundamentals in art materials, methods and applications related to the individual field of visual art study will inevitably bring you closer to a clearer understanding of these approaches in art. With this comes greater competency in amplifying your individual artistic styles by being visually sensitive and self-aware. This self-awakening makes it possible to bring about new insights not just in personal perception but also in art now, art thinking and art topics that are significant to the current visual arts scene.
Art without Basic Art Foundations is ignorant expression. Expression without understanding is soulless noise inevitably masquerading as personal styles of art, although individual in nature these styles lack artful maturity leading to superficial works of art that are visually insensitive. Often these personal styles are mistaken and confused with individual creativity or imaginative talent. Art Is Gallery introduces to you visual artists whose artworks greatly illustrate the importance and effectiveness of a firm visual literature through proper academic art fundamentals leading them to better understand, discover and develop their natural individual strengths in creative expression.
Structured learning of visual art practices, fine art methods and materials in academic art education is a necessary journey in promoting self awareness and a meaningful visual art culture. Visual art methodologies that employ these systematic and academic art approaches should never be viewed as rigid education in visual art but as a clear and concise reasoning benchmark against personal styles and perspective in art, culture and life.
Art Is Gallery embraces individual expression without compromising the development of skills in fine art and visual art techniques required to discover your personal perception of art. Art Is lessons expound the ideology of Basic Art Fundamentals before style.
Art Is Gallery and Art Is Studio hopes to bring to mind a social awareness not just to the local art world but also to the non art community that strong, influential and emotive Art comes from a set of specific visual art fundamentals borne from a very humble and natural beginning of direct observation. Art schools and artists alike from all over the world have challenged this ideal and strived to better create important individualistic and influential art. Be it from a western art cultured point of view or an eastern art set of values and blended with techniques drawn from Traditional Renaissance Art right up to Modern Chinese Painting have in one way or another impacted present day Contemporary Art.
Art Is would like to remind the local art world and community through our Art and Academic Art courses that art built on skilled basic art fundamentals and the deep appreciation for detailed craftsmanship have far more art reach and influence to move the world than a ton of words.
Visual art education base on indepth studies and deep respect for art materials, methods and fine art techniques will elevate any visual art form or art style on every art stage.
At Art Is we know that there is an artist in all of us with natural abilities to express ourselves. Here at Art Is Studio our Art and fine art Academic Art courses help nurture your ability to draw, paint and develop your artistic journeys naturally.
Art Is Gallery and Artist Studio strongly believes that is no need for profound theories to produce art and that anyyone when exposed to the proper fine art Art education can learn to draw, paint and express themselves eloquently through any art form or art style both in the local art community and on the international art stage.
At Art Is our art in all its forms, styles and its appearances will always take priority over words, visual art concepts, awards, marketing and ultimately infinite self glorification. Here at Art Is Gallery and Artist Studio we let the Art speak for itself, we let it speak volumes of the importance of simple proper techniques, we let the Art speak extensively of the attention to details, we let it exude the individual strengths of everyone's natural abilities to express themselves through Art. In the end it's really just about the Art speaking for itself, making a difference and transforming lives with its powerful nature.